Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"What? No Theme" Week

I know what you're thinking. I know exactly what's in your head.

Yesterday was Monday, but where was the Theme Week post? Well, it's a funny story...

I'm sitting on the couch, watching the Cards game when, right as I finish my third Corona, the fire alarm goes off. I grab what I need and run outside, where I find Vlad and the Als. Of course there's no fire; just some guy who left his popcorn in the microwave too long. Happens to the best of us.

The fire department shuts the alarm off and we go back inside. By inside, I mean inside the building--not inside our suite. Why not the suite?

Because we are locked out.

Alan tries the coathanger trick--doesn't work. We try the doorknob, just to make sure, and it's definitely locked. Alfonzo suggests that we pay the fine to have someone let us back into the room but, like the rest of us, would rather die than pay the fine. We decide to get creative. I down a mouthful of vodka, and we split up.

The buildings on the Forty are very close together; close enough to throw water balloons at your friends' windows, at least. The closest dorm, Park, happens to have no open hatch to the roof, so I decide that I'm going to have to leapfrog from Wheeler. I make it to the roof with my grappling hook and I try to work out the physics of it; I figure that Professor Katz taught me enough about basic physics for me to swing from one building to another.

The two buildings are about 20 feet apart, and Park is about 7 feet taller than Wheeler. I've got 35 feet of rope, and a 3-foot-long ho. I can do this.

On the way to the station, WUPD carried me by the Als; they didn't look like they'd had any luck, either.

By the time WUPD let me go and I got back to the suite, everyone had already gone to class. I haven't seen any of them to ask how they got inside. All I know is that I did my part, and they'll just have to split that $25 fine themselves.



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