Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Favorite Movie Week

Fight Club, boys and girls.

If you've seen it, good. If you haven't seen it, go see it. If you can't go see it, or you are somehow being held down, hold your breath until whoever is holding you lets go, and then go see it.

It's funny, it's violent, it's got a really weird sex scene, and it makes fun of men with bitch-tits. What more could you ask for?

How about a kickass soundtrack? I swear, I saw this movie and then went to buy the soundtrack, and I listened to it and was like "What the hell is this?" Somehow, when you watch the movie, you don't realize that the music is techno. After a while, even without the movie playing over it, you start to like it. I'm no techno fan, don't get me wrong, but there's something about these Dust Brothers that I like.

Nothing wrong with The Pixies, either. LA punk is the best around.

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Chaz's Rating : Two thumbs up. Way up.


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